
[Notice] KAS SDK caver-js/java v1.8.0 Release

Hi there, friends. Spring is here, and so is caver-js v1.8.0. It will make you laugh, rejoice and appreciate life. (NOT) But trust me, it does have a couple of new features that will make your developer life a bit easier.

If you didn’t know already, now you do: Klaytn supports Ethereum equivalence! And with caver-js v.1.8.0, you can start using Ethereum transaction types and the signatures that go with them. We also fortified our JSON-RPC arsenal for the klay namespace APIs.

## A Breakdown of What’s New in 1.8.0

In line with Klaytn’s pursuit of Ethereum equivalence, Klaytn now supports Ethereum transaction types. You can start using them with caver, via caver.transaction.

  • Access lists are now available with TxTypeEthereumAccessList which was introduced with EIP-2930. The EthereumAccessList class is available in caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList as TxTypeEthereumAccessList.
  • The transaction type TxTypeEthereumDynamicFee presented in the proposal EIP-1559 is also available. The EthereumDynamicFee class is available in caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee as TxTypeEthereumDynamicFee.

The newly added klay namespace API functions are now available with caver via caver.rpc.klay!

And you can use the ecsign function for the new Ethereum transaction types.

  • Just know that you have to sign the transaction types EthereumAccessList and EthereumDynamicFee via ecsign to generate the ECDSA signatures.
  • For the inquisitive: the v in the signature values {v, r, s} for the new Ethreuem transaction types is a parity (0 for even, 1 for odd) of the y-value of the Secp256k1 curve, whereas the v in Klaytn contains chainId, making them incompatible.
  • Find it here: keyring.ecsign

Klaytn SDK caver-java v1.8.0 Released

Hi there, lovely Java programmers. You are awesome, don’t let nobody tell you otherwise. We have some new features for caver-java v1.8.0, which are going to make your developer life a bit easier.

If you didn’t know already, now you do: Klaytn supports Ethereum equivalence! And with caver-java v.1.8.0, you can start using Ethereum transaction types and the signatures that go with them. We also fortified our JSON-RPC arsenal for the klay namespace APIs.

## A Breakdown of What’s New in 1.8.0

In line with Klaytn’s pursuit of Ethereum equivalence, Klaytn now supports Ethereum transaction types. You can start using them with caver, via caver.transaction.

  • Access lists are now available with TxTypeEthereumAccessList which was introduced with EIP-2930. The EthereumAccessList class is available in caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList as TxTypeEthereumAccessList.
  • The transaction type TxTypeEthereumDynamicFee presented in the proposal EIP-1559 is also available. The EthereumDynamicFee class is available in caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee as TxTypeEthereumDynamicFee.

The newly added klay namespace API functions are now available with caver via caver.rpc.klay!

  • caver.rpc.klay.getHeader
  • caver.rpc.klay.getFeeHistory
  • caver.rpc.klay.getMaxPriorityFeePerGas
  • caver.rpc.klay.createAccessList

And you can use the ecsign function for the new Ethereum transaction types.

  • Just know that you have to sign the transaction types EthereumAccessList and EthereumDynamicFee via ecsign to generate the ECDSA signatures.
  • For the inquisitive: the v in the signature values {v, r, s} for the new Ethreuem transaction types is a parity (0 for even, 1 for odd) of the y-value of the Secp256k1 curve, whereas the v in Klaytn contains chainId, making them incompatible.
  • Find it here:
  • AbstractKeyring#ecsign()
  • SingleKeyring#ecsign()
  • MultipleKeyring#ecsign()
  • RolebasedKeyring#ecsign()